Consumption Statistics
Have you ever wondered how much more fuel your car uses during winter compared to summer? Is fuel just fuel or is the quality better at certain times of the year? Do you always drive the same way or does it change over time?
I found these questions interesting and to give myself an answer to these questions I build this page. I drove quite a lot of Kilometers in my Honda Civic, and this is exactly the reason why it is so good at answering the questions above.
Have a look at the Graph below and judge by yourself how consumption changes over time. Quite interesting I think...
Additional Information: As I have 2 different graphs at the same time, thigs might get a bit weird to look at. Move the curser over one of the lines and you will se which of the measurings methods is used. The value of the red curve can be seen to the left and the blue tot he right. The red curse should be as high as possible and the blue as low as possible when things are good.