So you want to see a few pictures. Well - here you are. Here you'll find a few pictures from the first summer where I had the car. I hope you enjoy. Quite a few people had a laugh while I was taking pictures. But I'll do everything for you!

6 years and 220.000 km. It was about time to change my very good old Honda Civic to something newer. This time it became a Honda Accord. This picture was taken the day where I picked up the new car. Unfortunately it wasn't a sunny day, which did ruin the picture quite a bit.
Incredible what 6 years does and when you go one class up. It is 2 completely different cars which have to be driven in 2 completely different ways.

One question comes to mind. What do you use such a car for. I use mine in 4 different situations. If the weather is bad. If I have to go shopping and thereby have to visit several shops and probably have to carry more home than I can lift from the ground. If I have to drive further than I can drive on a bicycle in 45 minutes. And finally - when I have to transport something big and heavy. An example could be when I go diving. The gear is heavy - above 30 Kg (60 LBS). This picture was taken at "Almind Sø" in Denmark on a wonderful summerday in 2010. I had a wonderful dive with some friends of mine coming from Bremen in Germany. We had a bottomtime of about 2 hours and the lake showed itself from its beautiful side. If packed right, the car can take 3 divers without driving with a trailer. You will not sit comfortably - but it's OK. I've learned that my old Honda Civic had more space and it was more comfortable than the Accord when carrying a log of dive gear.